Did you forget you are a superhero?
I did.
Somewhere along the path of this life, I forgot I was a superhero.
I think that happens to a lot of us.
Life gets so busy – and not always in good ways. And, it can be easy, tempting even, to get so lost in the business that we lose sight of ourselves in the process.
Checklists and To Dos are often easier on us that we are on ourselves.
Especially when life gets a bit, well – extra.
I know.
Between 2014 and 2018, life got EXTRA extra.
- My mom was crippled by a gift I gave her (hot air balloon ride)
- My niece committed suicide
- My mom died barely three weeks after finding a shadow on one lung (unrelated to balloon accident)
- My dad was hit by a Norfolk Southern freight train (he survived)
- My husband almost died after heart surgery (unresponsive, on ventilator, had to learn to walk, eat, talk again …)
- My house blew up (with us in it)
There were other ‘extras’ sprinkled in there, but you get the idea.
And NOT because of my experience, but because of YOURS.
Because YOU have had EXTRA extra times, too.
How I know you are a superhero
A superhero is defined as
- Having some extraordinary ability, like shapeshifting or telekinesis to perform heroic feats.
*Us mere mortals have several, including adaptability and empathy which have enable us to do just the same.
Which are your specialties?
- Having a strict moral code of good versus bad.
*We ‘ordinaries’ have a similar code, but it’s much more nuanced and includes things like integrity, honesty, respect, and being of service (to name just a few).
Which are your foundations?
- Having great courage in the face of great odds.
*Who among us hasn’t steeled our courage over the years to face down and overcome fears associated with job loss, death, disease, natural disasters, and sooo much more?!
What was your greatest courage-builder?
- Having a mission to serve others.
*I am pretty sure this is just a natural part of my DNA, as it is for the majority of people I know who are raising and lending hands, voices and support in service of others every day!
What are you most proud of?
Make no mistake here!
You are a superhero, baby!
::: and don’t you forget it! :::
Photo: Young Gretchen, maybe 4 or 5 years old, standing on a front lawn, in front of some shrubs, wearing a caped dress (because her mom already knew …) Over her head are the words ‘How old were you when you forgot that you’re a superhero?’
👋I’m Gretchen
👉I am a career strategist and leadership development consultant on a mission to teach you to find what you love without losing yourself in the process.
🎯I create sane strategies that produce serious results.
Ways to work with me:
- Coaching:
- 1-Hour Coach
- RAM Fitness
- Consulting:
- Team Building
- Leadership Development
- Public Speaking
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