Perception v Reality: Are you holding yourself back from success?

What do you think?

Is it holding you back from success?

Success sucking thoughts

🤔Think your boss hates you?

​👻Sure you’re getting ghosted by that recruiter who never called you back?

😠Feeling uncomfortably competitive with that new hire they brought in (to replace you, maybe???)?

Those are thoughts that suck you dry of success.

They do.

Because if those are examples of your perception of things, then it’s your reality.


What’s also true is that there’s a super high probability that you’re creating circumstances and situations to make those kinds of things come true (if they haven’t already🥺).

Don’t get defensive – it’s natural.

Success sucking thoughts are natural

In fact, it’s a natural defense mechanism.

But just because it comes naturally – like an autopilot reaction to whatever is happening in the moment – it doesn’t mean it’s working for you.

In fact, it’s probably not.

And it’s ok.

Because it doesn’t have to be permanent.

Unless you’re enjoying it.
(but who are we kidding – no one enjoys always fearing the worst, being frustrated and lack of success.)

If that sounds like you – cut yourself a break and know that you can change all that nonsense starting

If you’ve got a half hour (and you do) – grab a drink (and maybe a notepad) and check out this video.

Check if you see yourself anywhere in it – and check out how you CAN change what’s not working to create a new reality that DOES make you happy.

Oh yes, you can – and THIS is exactly how you do it.








Have we met?

🙋‍♀️ I’m Gretchen – I help people reduce stress, improve performance and create opportunity through the power of self-command.

🔗 Here’s my Carrd

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