🤔Are you happy at work?
Where does happiness show up at work?
It doesn’t matter if you hate your work or your boss is a jerk.
Happiness is there.
Sure, it might seem like it’s playing a mean game of hide and keep friggin’ hiding on you, but it’s there.
I’m my own social proof (and so are you, you just may not know it yet).
Happy at work > Lean in / Lean on
A faulty power line destroyed our house in 2018.
Suddenly homeless and very quickly financially strapped – happiness wasn’t real high on my list of things to find.
It’s easy to lose sight of it when you still have to pay the mortgage on an unlivable structure, along with coming up with first/last/security on apartments you have to move from every few months and, oh yeah bonus – hire a lawyer.
Cha-ching-fueled anxiety to what feels like infinity.
At the same time, I was as a Marketing Director, managing a department of a couple dozen folks and leading about three times as many projects.
I was physically and emotionally exhausted on a bone-deep level.
But I was still happy at work!
Happiness showed up for me at work for two reasons:
- I was able to lean in – immerse myself in the work.
- I was able to lean on – the people around me for support.
There are always parts of a whole we don’t prefer.
That one colleague who tries to stir the pot, meaningless tasks or time sucks we can’t avoid.
Those parts don’t matter.
What matters is recognizing the parts that do.
‘Where attention goes’ – that whole thing, you know.
Nothing against Marketing or any particular product, but I looked forward to my work because I looked forward to being with the people I was working with.
Even with my life completely unraveled, having literally ONE outfit to my name and looking like a living Poor Pitiful Pearl doll every day (worth a Google) – I looked forward to my work because I looked forward to being with the people I was working with.
is a feeling I wish for everyone everywhere forever.
The energy, the purpose, the commitment I had were directly tied to the connection I had with them.
People are my jam.
What’s yours?
That’s important.
Happy at work > The Spillover Effect
This is a term used in psychology circles to explain why strong emotions – like happiness – in one part of our lives often spills over to other parts.
When things are rocking right along at home – the work feels better.
When things are humming at work – our personal lives feel more ‘in place’.
(The opposite is also true).
It’s part of the reason it’s so tough to cut off parts of our lives from each other.
Wherever you are – at work, home, the grocery store, in line at the DMV – your happiness is there.
If you’re not sure this applies to you, tell me what moves you? What’s your jam?
Your happiness is there.
👋I’m Gretchen
👉I am a career strategist and leadership development consultant on a mission to teach you to find what you love without losing yourself in the process.
🎯I create sane strategies that produce serious results.
Ways to work with me:
- Coaching:
- 1-Hour Coach
- RAM Fitness
- Consulting:
- Team Building
- Leadership Development
- Public Speaking
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