When nothing else works – keep working on it!

💥When nothing else works – keep working on it!

😎Every challenge is an opportunity to think differently.

Keep working on it

Newman - Keep working on itHis may look like the face of defeat, but THIS is the picture of determination!

Mr. Can’t Stop Won’t Stop (aka Newman the best kid ever) DIDN’T STOP even with medication, the cone, the donut (not pictured), the surgisuit AND a backward T-shirt.

So today we have introduced pajama pants to the mix.
And later today we will test modified long john pants (snugger fit).

Keep working on it

💥When nothing else works – keep working on it!

😎Every challenge is an opportunity to think differently.

This one has been a two-week living example of having:
✅ the information (keep him away from the surgical site, why that’s important, what do to for inflammation and so on)
✅the resources (vet, medication, applications)
❌but not having the specific implementation to make it work for us.

So we create the implementation that works for us.
And this has meant us trying and testing and trying again.

And that’s ok.
(Exhausting, but ok)

💥When nothing else works – keep working on it!

😎Every challenge is an opportunity to think differently.

Photo: This is a picture of my dog Newman, an English Cream Golden Retriever, who is shown laying down, wearing a plastic ecollar (aka cone of shame), post-surgical onesie (surgisuit) with long pajama pants and a backward T-shirt under the suit – all in an attempt to help him not prolong his surgical recovery … because he is Houdini!
Newman is a long-bodied dog who can reach the surgical site without much effort.
The cone, the inflatable donut (not pictured) – even used together – are little more than a speedbump for him.

👋I’m Gretchen

👉I am a career strategist and leadership development consultant on a mission to teach you to find what you love without losing yourself in the process.

🎯I create sane strategies that produce serious results.


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