YOU get another chance

You get another chance

You get another chance at EVERYTHING!

Yes – you.

You’re gonna get it!

MORE, of everything

Another chance

Look, whatever happened is in the books.

What happens now can be one FOR the books!

You get another chance.

Take it.

No one is actually keeping score – so don’t you do it either.

Celebrate who you are today

Do NOT worry about who you were yesterday

Dream of who you can be tomorrow

And tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow …

And another chance

… and it’s ok to get a little help to take those second chances!

Whether through meditation, focus, self-care, a random day off, reading, talking with friends, meeting new people, finding an uplifting podcast, music or show – whatever helps you see the promise on the horizon and knowing it is there for you – you get to choose that for yourself.

Because there is ALWAYS more for you.

Go get it❣️🤗

Photo: A pink-hued image of a woman smiling and jumping for joy against the backdrop of a grassy field. The image features the words Good News! You get more! Choices chances days ways tries times. The Career Insights Consulting logo is in the bottom left of the image.


👋I’m Gretchen

👉I am a career and personal leadership development strategist on a mission to help women at career crossroads make hard decisions with confidence, ease and flow.

🎯Sane strategies. Serious results.

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🔥Private Career Consulting (6 Week)

🔥IA Coaching Program (12 Week)
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