You’re not the boss of me!!!
Ever said that?
Maybe when you were a kid, standing – arms akimbo – in front of your mom, refusing to do something she wanted?
Most of us have.
And, it’s amusing, perhaps even a little nostalgic, to think back on the “before” time.
That’s what I call the days before someone else’s opinion of us became more important than our own.
🤨What school is the best for us.
🤨What we should study there.
🤨What job we should get.
🤨What job we shouldn’t quit (no matter how much it’s killing us).

🤨What title we should aim for.
🤨What salary is acceptable.
🤨What kind of house, car and clothes are appropriate.
Don’t even get me started on the more personal opinions.
But I don’t need to.
Because you know the drill.
Nothing here is new.
And neither is the feeling you get taking the mental inventory of the parts of your life – of yourself – signed over to someone else’s approval.
No matter how well-meaning others are (and most are extremely well-meaning, to be clear) – putting their opinion behind the wheel of any part of your life’s journey can lead to devastating results.
👉You know what is right for you.
And, as hard as it can be to honor it, staying true to yourself beats the alternative every time.
Years ago, a palliative care nurse (and author) named Bronnie Ware polled people facing imminent death to better understand their biggest life regrets.
💔The most common regret among every person she spoke to was knowing they would die having lived their life on someone else’s terms.💔
::: You can read more here: :::
You KNOW what is right for you.
The path might feel impossible.
But when you’re ready and you take that first step – the feeling begins to change.
And it gets stronger with every next step.
And that’s the journey.
To yourself.
YOU know what is right for you.
Go get it.
👋I’m Gretchen
👉I am a career strategist and leadership development consultant on a mission to teach you to find what you love without losing yourself in the process.
🎯I create sane strategies that produce serious results.
Ways to work with me:
- Coaching:
- 1-Hour Coach
- RAM Fitness
- Consulting:
- Team Building
- Leadership Development
- Public Speaking
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