What’s going on with your RAM?
How do you know if you REALLY know what’s going on
🤔With yourself
🤔With your career
🤔With your business
🤔With your relationships
Check your RAM
I have to check in with myself
just to be sure I’m sure about what I think I’m sure about.
❓Don’t you?
- How am I communicating?
- WHAT am I communicating?
- What am I hearing?
Uhhmmm, what are OTHER FOLKS hearing?
You KNOW we’re all out here taking actions and making decisions based on all of that! 😶
Intentional or not – it’s happening.
This is how perception becomes reality.
Oh, and also? … 🔥perception does NOT have to be true to become what we believe to be real. 🔥
Optical illusions such as Rubin’s vase or any of the crazy train filters people slap all over their selfies offer some examples of this concept.
One more time …
- How are you communicating?
- WHAT are you communicating?
- What’s being heard?
Do you check your RAM (thinking)?
Actions ARE being taken and decisions made based on all of that.
- Personal REALITY is the product of action.
- ACTION is the product of mindset.
- MINDSET is the product of belief.
And, of course, belief is the product of direct, indirect and observed experience – filtered through the lens of perception – it IS what you think.
In fact, it is everything you think about repeatedly.
This is the foundation of RAM Thinking.
How healthy is your RAM??🐏
Download the workbook and find out!
👋I’m Gretchen
👉I am a career strategist and leadership development consultant on a mission to teach you to find what you love without losing yourself in the process.
🎯I create sane strategies that produce serious results.
Ways to work with me:
- Coaching:
- 1-Hour Coach
- RAM Fitness
- Consulting:
- Team Building
- Leadership Development
- Public Speaking
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