Why you’re having trouble building confidence

trouble building confidence

I know why you’re having trouble building confidence – and my guess is you do, too.

The #1 reason you are having trouble building confidence is because you are stuck in your story.

Trouble building confidence

Your past is perhaps the greatest teacher you will ever have in your life – if you can learn from what happened and leave it there.

Not being able to do that leads to more negative self-talk, lack of appreciation for your abilities and special qualities, increased stress and anxiety and so much more.

So how can you overcome it?

Take action.

Identify and implement strategies and techniques that will help you overcome your trouble building confidence and take action.

How to build confidence

These are surefire ways to build your confidence muscle:

  • Positive self-talk – If you wouldn’t say it to someone else or tolerate anyone saying it to you – don’t say it to yourself. Give yourself a break, along with grace, patience and forgiveness.
  • Watch for self-sabotage – Be aware of negative self-talk so that you can stop when you notice it and reframe the observation in terms of what is true instead of what is believed
    (Pro tip: Your beliefs are formed from repetitive thoughts and those thoughts do NOT have to be true to become your beliefs. Watch closely how you talk to yourself).
  • Acknowledge your accomplishments – Too often, we don’t acknowledge our little wins because we don’t think they’re as important as hitting the ultimate goal. But those are the things that GET you to goal. Notice them. Celebrate them. That will grow your confidence muscle and motivate you to keep you going.
  • An affirmation a day – Positive statements have a positive impact on your brain. Give yourself positive messages in the form of affirmations each day and you will find that your focus and motivation improve – and your confidence muscle will get stronger.
  • Quit the comparison game – Roosevelt said it best – ‘Comparison is the thief of joy’ because it produces negative thinking patterns and lowers self-esteem. It is a literal no win game. I know it’s a hard to quit, but it will be one of the best things you ever do for yourself.
  • Pay attention to the positive – Accept compliments! They are a validation of your positives. Also, give yourself compliments by reminding yourself of your abilities, achievements and uniqueness. Do not shy away from this – it is a confidence builder every time.
  • Advocate for what you want – Be your own cheerleader. Communicate your needs, ask for what you want, show your feelings and explain them if it helps you.
  • Move – Don’t let yourself stay still for longer than an hour at a time – unless you’re sleeping or meditating. Movement is an incredible confidence builder! It helps your brain work to learn, experience, think, problem-solve, and find balance.
  • Rinse and repeat – Make these intentional activities a daily practice – a habit in your life. Track your progress on a calendar or in a notebook, journal or on your phone if it helps.

This is by no means a complete list – but each of these activities will help you build your confidence because they will get your further and further from what is getting in your way right now – which is living in the past.

What would you add to the list?

👋I’m Gretchen

👉I am a career strategist and leadership development consultant on a mission to teach you to find what you love without losing yourself in the process.

🎯I create sane strategies that produce serious results.


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