How you spend your time is how you spend your life

Do YOU master the moment – or does it master you?

How much of your time — your life — have you spent in regret, doubt or anger?

  • Time spent in regret over something you said or did in a moment you wish you could get back?
  • Time spent in doubt over a chance not taken in a moment where confidence failed you?
  • Time spent in anger in the heat of the moment that took control and got the better of you?

And how much time have you spent trying to make it up, make it right and make things whole?

You Can Master The Moment

You can stop it. You can change it. You CAN learn to stay calm and in self-control no matter what is happening around or to you. I know you can because I did it for myself.

For me, it started when I stumbled across this incredible little book – Positive Intelligence by Shirzad Chamine.

I cannot recommend this book highly enough!

It is packed with insight, practical advice, tips, insights and techniques that changed my life – and I’ve been studying – and teaching – it ever since.

Join the Master The Moment Mastermind and master the art of self-command

Stop living life on auto-pilot

Most people use a series of default, auto-pilot reactions, behaviors and thinking patterns to get through life – especially the challenging parts of it.

When faced with challenge, we have nearly automatic, negative reactions when these ‘bad’ things happen – and even when they don’t.

👆This is an evolutionary survival function. Our brains are naturally wired to notice dangers and threats before anything else. And those dangers don’t have to be real.

A great example is The Text Test:
If you’ve ever sent a text to someone who took longer than expected to get back to you (or maybe never did) and you wondered ‘Are you mad at me?!’ – you’ve experienced and auto-pilot thought.

– You likely also experienced an auto-pilot reaction of feeling frustrated, angry, concerned or other negative response.

– And, you may have also had a related auto-pilot behavior as a result (blocking them, tossing the phone down, sending them a text you deleted or wish you had – or worse).

We’ve all been there.
Time we’ve spent. Time we can’t back. Time that cost us opportunities, relationships, respect …

The good news is NO ONE has to stay there.

When you know how to harness your power of self-command, you can master any moment and create the situations, relationships and life YOU want.

Bring a friend and join me next month!

I’m leading the way to teach you how to make it happen for yourself with my first-ever Master The Moment Mastermind group!

The Master The Moment Mastermind is your opportunity to maximize rapid advancement in self-command – a critical area of personal growth and professional success – in a friendly, supportive small group setting.

  • Weekly Zoom Meetings
  • Accountability & Goal Tracking
  • Highlight and Win Sharing
  • Networking & Support

Cohort 1 begins in September!
Seating is limited and I would love to welcome you! Pre-register at the introductory rate to secure your spot!

⁜ The first three people to pre-register WITH a friend who joins Cohort 1 or 2  will enjoy 30% off the introductory rate.

Cohort 1 begins September 2023!
Seating is limited – pre-register here to secure your spot!

This post contains affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links at no cost to you.

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