The Workplace

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Is lifelong learning the fountain of youth?

I seriously think benefits of lifelong learning make it the fountain of youth! From improved brain health to healthier relationships and longer lives, the list of benefits of lifelong learning is crazy long, y’all!! People who classify as lifelong learners enjoy everything from variety of experience (aka quality of life), to expanded social networks, increased ability to build trust with others and increased employability in an ever-changing economy. For employers, this is significant because continuous learning is a key to innovation and growth, which gives employers a competitive edge and helps recruit top talent! For employees, it’s critical because investing in the benefits of lifelong learning can keep their skills up-to-date and build job security. Because continuous learning is a source of personal fulfillment, employees who […]

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Should you quit if you don’t get a promotion?

Should you quit over a promotion? “If I don’t get senior manager this year, I am DONE with this company!” Well that settles THAT! Her mind was made up. Which meant she (felt she) had no viable option except to quit over a promotion. Dana’s first DM pretty much summed it up. “I don’t know what to do because I’ve done everything and nothing is working, but I’m serious. If I don’t get senior manager this year, I am DONE with this company! Can you help me?” That first DM was a bundle of tells. 6 dead ends, 1 door. Absolutes are a dead end. Curiosity is an open door. Should you quit over a promotion? 🛑FULL STOP This is a dangerous question that NO

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How to be instantly happier at work

If you want to know how to be INSTANTLY HAPPIER at work, I have 3 things you must try! Why? Because happiness is linked to better decision-making, self-control and creativity! So where better to be happier than to be happier at work?!? Now, before we get into this short list, it’s important to point out that happiness and satisfaction are NOT the same thing. Where happiness is an anytime-ever-and-always feeling, satisfaction is more a product of thought. I am happy being in the company of people who challenge me at work. I am satisfied that I have access to the right people at work. See the difference? How to be happier at work Take charge Taking charge is not the same as being IN charge.

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How are you positioning yourself to get what you want

Which would you rather – get or receive what you want? How are you positioning yourself to get what you want?? To GET it? or to RECEIVE it? Would you rather get or receive what you want? There is a big difference between those two. Sure, the dictionary and thesaurus both say you can replace receive with get, but the reverse is not true. That’s because receiving requires action from something or someone outside of yourself, while getting is always you-led (and focused) – more of a taking, if you will. This applies to everyone, everywhere, regardless of role, status, age, race, gender, shoe size, lactose tolerance, etc. Read the initial question again – but this time try to do it from the perspective of

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How to build confidence using ONE simple strategy

Please note that this post contains affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links at no cost to you. REPETITION – the  ONE simple strategy you need to build confidence. Confidence building repetition Again. And again, and again, and again. That’s it right there. THE one strategy you can use any time, any where for anything to build confidence now and forever. Repetition. It is THE one strategy you need to build confidence – every time. In fact, repetition is the gold standard when it comes to building confidence. 👉IF👈 it’s done the right way. Because repeating behaviors over and over again with no strategy and no stretch is, well, stupid. 👆That only stings if it’s true

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Are you sabotaging your job interview?

You may not realize it, but you might be sabotaging your job interview. I mean, first things first – CONGRATULATIONS that you’ve scheduled an interview, right?! This is an achievement!🏆 It means you successfully tailored your resume and matched to the opportunity well enough to be invited to a jobinterview . That’s HUGE, considering stats from LinkedIn and other career sites that say upwards of 70% never make it through the initial screening. So bravo and well done on the documentation piece of your journey, right?! ✋ If you think of the jobseeker’s journey in three parts (apply, interview, offer) – you’re a third of the way there. How you might be sabotaging your job interview You should be brimming with confidence! But something’s off. You’re not

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Why purpose is more important to your success than passion What’s more important – purpose or passion? Trick question. It’s purpose – of course.That succinct, focused ‘why’ that motivates you to reach your potential. Put down the pitchfork.Purpose and passion are both important. Passion’s a great tool and can absolutely help you find your purpose – which is the only thing that will ultimately get you where you want to go. Purpose is Impact Now, if the word ‘purpose’ is challenging (or even irritating) for you, that’s ok. This happens with most words or concepts that get overused and abused over time. Try thinking of purpose and impact as one and the same. 😀What is the impact you want to have – on yourself, in your work, with others?😀What feeling do you want to

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Want to change your life? Try RAM Thinking

There can be no doubt that RAM Thinking will change your life. There can also be no doubt that there is a reason clichés endure. They are truth nuggets. Simplified versions of larger concepts that have stood the test of time. Like it, lump it but make your mind up to it. There is a reason clichés endure. Two of my personal favorites: 😀Thoughts become things. 😀We create our own reality. True & true. 🤨Are they overused? Probably. 🤔Do they lack meaning or authenticity? No. 😎Is the DNA of your personal success tucked somewhere in them? Absolutely. 👉And that ‘somewhere’ is your mindset.👈  RAM Thinking Thoughts are fleeting. Recurring thoughts are sticky. Sticky (repetitive) thoughts become beliefs. And, what we believe (repeatedly think) is what

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Mindset impacts the brain. Is YOURS setting you up for success?

Our mindset impacts the brain. This is a fact. It’s also why a positive mindset paves the way to success. And that’s not woo woo.It’s strategic. With Meta putting more than 11,000 people out of work – adding to the growing job-loss landscape (Peleton, Twitter, Ford, Shopify, Netflix, to name just a few in recent WEEKS) – it is more important NOW than EVER before to harness your ability to maintain a positive mindset. 👉𝗔 𝗽𝗼𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗱𝘀𝗲𝘁 𝗜𝗦 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗯𝗹𝗲𝗺-𝘀𝗼𝗹𝘃𝗲𝗿’𝘀 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗱𝘀𝗲𝘁.👈 As Daniel Goleman explained in “Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence” – positive state of mind impacts the neuroplasticity of the 🧠 brain – increasing prefrontal activity that intensifies mental functions such as creative thinking, cognitive flexibility, and even faster processing. How a positive mindset

Mindset impacts the brain. Is YOURS setting you up for success? Read More »

Three telltale signs you are being ghosted at work

👻 Ghosting doesn’t JUST happen on Halloween. AND, it doesn’t JUST happen before you GET the job. Ghosting happens ON the job, too. All.The.Time. How does Ghosting happen on the job? 😖👻Being taken through the annual review process only to find yourself left out of recognition, promotion, merit and even COLA consideration is a form of ghosting your employees. 😖👻Being told you can ‘throw your hat in the ring’ for advancement and not being afforded the opportunity to do so is a form of ghosting your employees. 😖👻Even being taken OFF a project without discussion is a form of ghosting your employees. It needs to stop. 🤨 Employers – knock it off – it’s unprofessional, bush league and it’s costing you money. 🤦‍♀️🤗 Employees –

Three telltale signs you are being ghosted at work Read More »

Do THIS when you don’t get the job

There are two things you MUST do immediately when you don’t get the job: Thank Connect I made this video to help anyone facing job rejection keep the door OPEN! ———————–👋I’m Gretchen 👉I am a career strategist and leadership development consultant on a mission to teach you to find what you love without losing yourself in the process. 🎯I create sane strategies that produce serious results. ======================= Ways to work with me: Coaching: 1-Hour Coach RAM Fitness Consulting: Team Building Leadership Development Public Speaking ======================= Connect with me: LinkedIn: YouTube: Pinterest:

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You are stronger than you realize – here’s how I know

You are stronger than you even know. How do I know without knowing you? Well, because I know that what doesn’t break you is because of that strength. This one came close though.Not gonna lie. This is a picture of me with my husband in cardiac stepdown a few years ago. It took a lot for him to get there.It was a major life achievement. He’s spent 6 unresponsive days in cardiac ICU and 13 with a machine breathing for him. When he could finally breathe on his own, he graduated to stepdown then spent another month learning how to eat, shower, dress and walk again before he could come home. A heart procedure that was supposed to take a week from surgery to discharge

You are stronger than you realize – here’s how I know Read More »

Your boss just put you on a PIP. Now what?!

You flourish!No really – you flourish! What is a PIP, anyway? PIP – shorthand for Performance Improvement Plan A performance improvement plan is a multitude of opportunities rolled into one. It’s an opportunity to build a partnership with your manager/supervisor: ▸Every PIP should come with actionable steps. A path to success paved with SMART goals the leadership team has created just for you. ▸The plan should also include a timeline for completion with benchmark/milestone check-ins scheduled to keep everyone on track toward success. It’s an opportunity to re-invest in yourself and your role in the company: ▸To identify and grow new skills. ▸To strengthen current abilities. ▸To gain clarity on personal goals and alignment with the current role. It’s an opportunity to see another side

Your boss just put you on a PIP. Now what?! Read More »

But what does it pay?! Why employers aren’t giving salary info in the job posting – and what you can do about it

You’ve been searching and searching and finally found an advertised job opening that you think is perfect … except nothing about it answers the question: What does it pay? Some published opportunities will have nothing related to salary, while others may say something like Salary: Commensurate with experience Salary: Negotiable Salary: Unavailable Salary: To be discussed at interview phase WTAF – right?! It’s frustrating for sure, but there are a few reasons employers don’t post salary information. These can include: Competition Companies don’t want their external competitors to have too much information about their benefits and compensation packages because that, obviously, could weaken their negotiation positions. Companies also don’t want salary information widely known because it can create internal competition and other issues. Fit Employers want

But what does it pay?! Why employers aren’t giving salary info in the job posting – and what you can do about it Read More »

Interview your recruiter! Make sure you ask these questions the next time you use a job recruiter

Recruiters are a lot like Elon Musk, politics or sushi – no middle ground. People either love ’em or hate ’em. Hopefully, we can all agree that they can be an enormous help to businesses and job seekers alike – provided you hire the right one. But how do you know if you’ve got a good recruiter? Interview your recruiter! Recruiting isn’t a one-size-fits-all job A recruiter’s role is largely dependent on their ability to evaluate candidates for each opportunity. And that’s great – but it doesn’t cover everything. Because while recruiters make up the front-line of the interview process, they’re not always given a larger role in the overall hiring process. A recruiter with a more limited role will have an equally limited understanding

Interview your recruiter! Make sure you ask these questions the next time you use a job recruiter Read More »

How strategic breathing can help you keep your cool when you feel like telling someone to shove it

Please note that this post contains affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links at no cost to you. Ever just had enough of someone else and want to tell them off? Sure. We’ve all been there. Which is why it’s important to know you can keep your cool no matter what using strategic breathing to diffuse your ‘inner bomb’. Strategic breathing Breathing is key for a lot of big stuff like, you know, life and all. 😉 But when it comes to keeping cool in combustible situations, your normal, run-of-the-mill breathing won’t work. Everyday in-and-out kind of breathing can’t even start to tackle a job as tough as NOT telling the object of your animosity where to shov …

How strategic breathing can help you keep your cool when you feel like telling someone to shove it Read More »

How to effectively deal with a conversation bully in the workplace – or anywhere!

If you’ve ever dealt with someone who baits, berates or belittles you, you know what it’s like to deal with a conversation bully. Here are some ways to regain control of the situation. Stay focused and calm This is always (always always) the right response to any situation – including dealing with a conversation bully. When a discussion turns sour, the first thing to do is, actually, nothing. Well, maybe not nothing, but nothing physical or outward. Listen Focus on what the person is saying and remain calm – especially in situations where someone is trying to goad you into a response you’ll likely regret. Focusing on the word choices and listening to the tone of voice will tell you right away if a meaningful discussion can be had –

How to effectively deal with a conversation bully in the workplace – or anywhere! Read More »

It’s time to erase the term ‘job-hopper’ from our vocabulary

Job Hopper? 🤮NOPE! YOU are an Opportunity Entrepreneur! It’s time to purge ‘job hopper’ from the Pejorative Term Database. Please. Aside from the fact that it’s judgmental, possibly discriminatory and wholly unprofessional, there’s also this: —RECENT REPORT RUNDOWN —▷ A recent LendingClub survey showed that roughly 62% of the U.S. population is living paycheck to paycheck.▷ A Pew Research study (among a slew of others) showed most people who quit last year cited low pay as their top reason for leaving.▷ Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank’s wage growth tracker, which uses data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, shows that pay increases for job hopp, er, 😎 Opportunity Entrepreneurs 😎 have outpaced those who’ve stayed at one employer — a number that’s held true since 2011.

It’s time to erase the term ‘job-hopper’ from our vocabulary Read More »

Here are four easy (and realistic) ways to reach your goals

It’s good to aspire to things, and it’s great to achieve them. Unfortunately, most people never do. Because most of us aren’t being honest with ourselves in our approach. That’s where these seriously realistic tips can help! Research shows 50% of us make resolutions each year, but statistics show 80% of us won’t make it past the second week of February with them intact. That translates to 50 out of every 100 people making resolutions, and 40 of those 50 hopeful humans chuckin’ the deuce to those not-so-determined declarations after only a month and a half. 4 seriously realistic tips for goal success It’s going to be ok! All we have to do to stay on track is be realistic in our approach! Easy peasy, right? Actually,

Here are four easy (and realistic) ways to reach your goals Read More »

Are you sure it’s a career change you really need?

If you’re thinking you need to change careers, the short answer is: You actually may not need to. The longer answer is, well, longer – and it’s why the short answer exists in the first place. 😉 Do you need a career change – or a change of perspective? Before deciding you need a career change, first figure out what’s making you consider one in the first place. But that’s not always easy because it’s rarely one thing. So, I advise people to ask themselves four questions as a starting point. I also caution that skipping this step or not being wholly sincere about the answers can have disastrous results. Considering your current work: What made you gravitate toward it in the first place? What do you like most about it?

Are you sure it’s a career change you really need? Read More »

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