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Mindset Fitness – what are you feeding your brain?

What is mindset fitness? It starts with taking a look at 🥦what you’re snackin’ on. Mindset Fitness: Mental Nutrition 🧠What are you feeding your mind? If you’re super thrilled with your current state of affairs, this is not your post. But if even the smallest part of you hungers for something else, this is for you. Because nothing has to stay the way it is. I’ll say it again. Nothing that you are unhappy about has to stay the way it is. 💪And you have the power to change it. You did yesterday. You do now. You will tomorrow. Too often, that sweet relief (change) you want falls flat on its frustrated face for one main reason: Not partnering information with the right kind of […]

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Perception doesn’t have to be true to be believed 😲

Looks can be deceiving. This video is a great example of the perception versus reality battle that plays out all day every day for every person on the planet. At first glance, what looks like a giant dog terrorizing a tiny one turns out to be two puppies playing just like all puppies do.😎(Pro tip: You can look up mouthing or jaw sparring if you’re not familiar with open-mouth puppy play.) What is perception? 🌎Perception is the lens through which we view the world and our experience in it. It is what we use to explain what we *think* we are seeing, hearing, feeling – experiencing. At work.At home.At the doctor’s office.At the store.In traffic.On the train. 😲Perception does NOT have to be true

Perception doesn’t have to be true to be believed 😲 Read More »

When did you forget you are a superhero?

Did you forget you are a superhero? I did. Somewhere along the path of this life, I forgot I was a superhero. I think that happens to a lot of us. Life gets so busy – and not always in good ways. And, it can be easy, tempting even, to get so lost in the business that we lose sight of ourselves in the process. Checklists and To Dos are often easier on us that we are on ourselves. Especially when life gets a bit, well – extra. I know. Between 2014 and 2018, life got EXTRA extra. My mom was crippled by a gift I gave her (hot air balloon ride) My niece committed suicide My mom died barely three weeks after finding a

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YOU get another chance

You get another chance at EVERYTHING! Yes – you. You’re gonna get it! MORE, of everything Another chance Look, whatever happened is in the books. What happens now can be one FOR the books! You get another chance. Take it. No one is actually keeping score – so don’t you do it either. Celebrate who you are today Do NOT worry about who you were yesterday Dream of who you can be tomorrow And tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow … And another chance … and it’s ok to get a little help to take those second chances! Whether through meditation, focus, self-care, a random day off, reading, talking with friends, meeting new people, finding an uplifting podcast, music or show – whatever helps you see

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Navigating a career crossroad can be scary – and that’s ok Navigating a career crossroad can be scary. Because it usually means change. Potentially big change. At least it was for me. Navigating a Career Crossroad I wasn’t unhappy with my career or life choices, but I wasn’t exactly attacking each day with Fourth of July sparklers on parade energy either. I’m pretty sure I’d known for a while that something had to give, but I never acted on it. I don’t know why. Navigating a career crossroad wasn’t foremost in my brain. I might have gone on like that forever if I hadn’t had what I can only describe as a gut feeling I was afraid to ignore. The kind people talk about but you’re all eyerolls and ‘yeah, ok. Sure.’ Snarkiness.😏  Until you

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Is lifelong learning the fountain of youth?

I seriously think benefits of lifelong learning make it the fountain of youth! From improved brain health to healthier relationships and longer lives, the list of benefits of lifelong learning is crazy long, y’all!! People who classify as lifelong learners enjoy everything from variety of experience (aka quality of life), to expanded social networks, increased ability to build trust with others and increased employability in an ever-changing economy. For employers, this is significant because continuous learning is a key to innovation and growth, which gives employers a competitive edge and helps recruit top talent! For employees, it’s critical because investing in the benefits of lifelong learning can keep their skills up-to-date and build job security. Because continuous learning is a source of personal fulfillment, employees who

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6 things to improve mindset – right now!

It doesn’t take much. Check out how you can use these 6 things to improve mindset – right now. Mindset mindset mindset Everyone’s talking about mindset because there’s just no debate that mindset plays a huge (enormous actually) role in the quality of our lives. And shifting our mindset when it’s needed gives us enormous power to improve our lives. THAT is huge. Decreased stress, improved resiliency, happiness, satisfaction and health. Yes, please! 6 Things To Improve Mindset The best part about improving your mindset is that you don’t have to wait until it feels like everything’s going wrong to start making everything ohhh, so right. Even IF you sleep through the alarm, get stuck in traffic or chip your nails – you can harness

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You can’t think your way out of stress

CAN I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE?! 🫢 Oh sorry, that was just my brain having a stress temper tantrum. ‘What about THIS thing that happened? HUH?! WHAT ABOUT IT?!?’ ‘Oh, and what about this OTHER thing that might happen?!??’ 💥POOF concentration GONE. Thanks a lot, stress! Don’t carry stress around! I can’t focus when I’m stressed. Not as in ‘it’s hard to focus when I’m stressed’. As in I literally CANNOT physically focus my brain when I’m stressed. And neither can you. You can’t think your way out of stress. Because focus and stress CANNOT physically exist together. And if you’re wondering why things are off, feel stagnant or are moving in the wrong direction, part of the culprit is probably thinking you are managing

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Dude – check your RAM or you may be in BIG TROUBLE!

What’s going on with your RAM? How do you know if you REALLY know what’s going on 🤔With yourself 🤔With your career 🤔With your business 🤔With your relationships Check your RAM I have to check in with myself all the time just to be sure I’m sure about what I think I’m sure about. ❓Don’t you? How am I communicating? WHAT am I communicating? What am I hearing? Uhhmmm, what are OTHER FOLKS hearing? 🤨😮😝 You KNOW we’re all out here taking actions and making decisions based on all of that! 😶 Intentional or not – it’s happening. This is how perception becomes reality. Oh, and also? … 🔥perception does NOT have to be true to become what we believe to be real. 🔥 Optical

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Should you quit if you don’t get a promotion?

Should you quit over a promotion? “If I don’t get senior manager this year, I am DONE with this company!” Well that settles THAT! Her mind was made up. Which meant she (felt she) had no viable option except to quit over a promotion. Dana’s first DM pretty much summed it up. “I don’t know what to do because I’ve done everything and nothing is working, but I’m serious. If I don’t get senior manager this year, I am DONE with this company! Can you help me?” That first DM was a bundle of tells. 6 dead ends, 1 door. Absolutes are a dead end. Curiosity is an open door. Should you quit over a promotion? 🛑FULL STOP This is a dangerous question that NO

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How to be instantly happier at work

If you want to know how to be INSTANTLY HAPPIER at work, I have 3 things you must try! Why? Because happiness is linked to better decision-making, self-control and creativity! So where better to be happier than to be happier at work?!? Now, before we get into this short list, it’s important to point out that happiness and satisfaction are NOT the same thing. Where happiness is an anytime-ever-and-always feeling, satisfaction is more a product of thought. I am happy being in the company of people who challenge me at work. I am satisfied that I have access to the right people at work. See the difference? How to be happier at work Take charge Taking charge is not the same as being IN charge.

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9 best self-care products to boost confidence

Look no further for the best self-care products for confidence building! Self-reward helps build your self-confidence. There’s just no doubt about it. Being rewarded reinforces that we are valuable, worthy and deserving of feeling all of those things. Of everything you’ll see in the 9 ahhhmazing self-care products for confidence below – I save the best for last (but I’ll give it to you here first!). Please note that this post contains affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links at no cost to you. My personal fave The Papillon Back Massager with Heat This little baby is one of my all-time favorite self-care products for confidence building (when I’m feeling achy, tense and stressed and

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4 proven ways to detox your mind

You must take the time to detox your mind. Friday is an excuse. TGIF and all – it’s the day we remind each other to take a break, take it easy and take a load off ourselves (and our minds) for the next two days. The truth is the Friday is an excuse.A GOOD EXCUSE!(to detox your mind!) Because, while it’s completely legit (like, 1000000%) to remind ourselves of that ANY day, it feels more acceptable on end-of-week Fridays. Detox your mind So here we are. And I’m taking the opportunity of this day to hop on that mental mind hack and encourage you to take time this weekend (and any time) to shake off the stress, anxiety, worry and otherwise detox from all of

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How are you positioning yourself to get what you want

Which would you rather – get or receive what you want? How are you positioning yourself to get what you want?? To GET it? or to RECEIVE it? Would you rather get or receive what you want? There is a big difference between those two. Sure, the dictionary and thesaurus both say you can replace receive with get, but the reverse is not true. That’s because receiving requires action from something or someone outside of yourself, while getting is always you-led (and focused) – more of a taking, if you will. This applies to everyone, everywhere, regardless of role, status, age, race, gender, shoe size, lactose tolerance, etc. Read the initial question again – but this time try to do it from the perspective of

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How to build confidence using ONE simple strategy

Please note that this post contains affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links at no cost to you. REPETITION – the  ONE simple strategy you need to build confidence. Confidence building repetition Again. And again, and again, and again. That’s it right there. THE one strategy you can use any time, any where for anything to build confidence now and forever. Repetition. It is THE one strategy you need to build confidence – every time. In fact, repetition is the gold standard when it comes to building confidence. 👉IF👈 it’s done the right way. Because repeating behaviors over and over again with no strategy and no stretch is, well, stupid. 👆That only stings if it’s true

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Develop your career growth mindset in 4 steps

It seems like THE no brainiest no brainer of all the brains ever to receive a no. Developing a career growth mindset starts with your mindset. Total no-duh statement, right? Well yeah, until you realize how many people give scant consideration to nurturing their mindset throughout their lives. And that’s being generous. Foundations of a career growth mindset There are 4 foundational actions necessary to develop a true career growth mindset: 1️⃣ Being able to embrace failure as the learning opportunity it is. This will also help you become more comfortable with taking responsible risks and accepting unexpected changes. 2️⃣ Becoming a lifelong learner who is curious, open to acquiring new skills and seeks new opportunities. Invest in yourself by taking time to explore your

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Why you’re having trouble building confidence

I know why you’re having trouble building confidence – and my guess is you do, too. The #1 reason you are having trouble building confidence is because you are stuck in your story. Trouble building confidence Your past is perhaps the greatest teacher you will ever have in your life – if you can learn from what happened and leave it there. Not being able to do that leads to more negative self-talk, lack of appreciation for your abilities and special qualities, increased stress and anxiety and so much more. So how can you overcome it? Take action. Identify and implement strategies and techniques that will help you overcome your trouble building confidence and take action. How to build confidence These are surefire ways to

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How mindset impacts your success

Your mindset impacts success – it also impacts failure. What do you want? What do you believe is possible for you? What do you spend most of your time doing? The way you answered those questions offers a glimpse into how much success you can expect. This is because the answers speak to either a growth or fixed mindset. Mindset impacts success If you have a growth mindset, it means you see opportunities to expand your abilities. A fixed mindset, on the other hand means you feel the opportunities for expansion are limited. The distinction is important because mindset gives us the ability to change how we view what we do and what we consider success or failure. If you think of the job your

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Why purpose is more important to your success than passion What’s more important – purpose or passion? Trick question. It’s purpose – of course.That succinct, focused ‘why’ that motivates you to reach your potential. Put down the pitchfork.Purpose and passion are both important. Passion’s a great tool and can absolutely help you find your purpose – which is the only thing that will ultimately get you where you want to go. Purpose is Impact Now, if the word ‘purpose’ is challenging (or even irritating) for you, that’s ok. This happens with most words or concepts that get overused and abused over time. Try thinking of purpose and impact as one and the same. 😀What is the impact you want to have – on yourself, in your work, with others?😀What feeling do you want to

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Where does happiness show up at work?

🤔Are you happy at work? Where does happiness show up at work? It doesn’t matter if you hate your work or your boss is a jerk. Happiness is there. Sure, it might seem like it’s playing a mean game of hide and keep friggin’ hiding on you, but it’s there. I’m my own social proof (and so are you, you just may not know it yet). Happy at work > Lean in / Lean on A faulty power line destroyed our house in 2018. Suddenly homeless and very quickly financially strapped – happiness wasn’t real high on my list of things to find. It’s easy to lose sight of it when you still have to pay the mortgage on an unlivable structure, along with

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Here’s what ‘live and learn’ really looks like

Keep going. 👆That’s it! In a nutshell, that’s what it looks like to not give up on yourself. “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”Wise words from Soren Kierkegaard most commonly stated as – live and learn! You do NOT have to have it all figured out.Because there is no ‘figuring it ALL out’.Never has been.Never will be. 😀Yes – set big goals!😀YES – dream big dreams!!But for goodness sake – take the pressure OFF yourself to have a plan for the entirety of anything (life, career, parenthood …). Trying to force-fit your life in this way limits your potential, your choices, your success and your happiness. Instead – start with this part – right where you are right now.Plan

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Want to change your life? Try RAM Thinking

There can be no doubt that RAM Thinking will change your life. There can also be no doubt that there is a reason clichés endure. They are truth nuggets. Simplified versions of larger concepts that have stood the test of time. Like it, lump it but make your mind up to it. There is a reason clichés endure. Two of my personal favorites: 😀Thoughts become things. 😀We create our own reality. True & true. 🤨Are they overused? Probably. 🤔Do they lack meaning or authenticity? No. 😎Is the DNA of your personal success tucked somewhere in them? Absolutely. 👉And that ‘somewhere’ is your mindset.👈  RAM Thinking Thoughts are fleeting. Recurring thoughts are sticky. Sticky (repetitive) thoughts become beliefs. And, what we believe (repeatedly think) is what

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Confidence or Esteem – which is more important?

Confidence or esteem? When it comes to the ‘self’ – which is more important? 🤔 I often see these two terms used interchangeably, and that’s unfortunate. Because, while there are areas of significant overlap, confidence and esteem are not the same. Confidence or Esteem The presence or absence of one does not guarantee the same of the other. In fact, is entirely possible to be confident in our abilities but have low self-esteem. So, which is more important? ▸ Self-esteem – the internal lens through which we view our ‘selves’?▸ Or self-confidence – the external lens through which we view our abilities, skills, knowledge? A career banker looking to change careers could be incredibly confident in their financial ability, skill, knowledge, while simultaneously dealing with

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How good are you playing the hand you were dealt?

“Sometimes we just want to play with the hand we’re dealt with, and see what we can do with it.” – David Ketchen Listening to his commentary on everything from 🎨painting techniques, ☕coffee, #LinkedIn strategy and 📹DIY studio setups as his portrait of Jagatheeswari S came alive – it’s clear that his new #YouTube channel (David Ketchen – Pastel Art) is a classroom. Tune in for the ‘becoming’, stay for the lessons. The hand you were dealt “Sometimes we just want to play with the hand we’re dealt with, and see what we can do with it.” 👆This is a powerful perspective. It IS a life lesson. Because it’s about accepting, allowing and advancing what IS. The hand you were dealt IS what is. Concepts that can be incredibly challenging in

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Mindset impacts the brain. Is YOURS setting you up for success?

Our mindset impacts the brain. This is a fact. It’s also why a positive mindset paves the way to success. And that’s not woo woo.It’s strategic. With Meta putting more than 11,000 people out of work – adding to the growing job-loss landscape (Peleton, Twitter, Ford, Shopify, Netflix, to name just a few in recent WEEKS) – it is more important NOW than EVER before to harness your ability to maintain a positive mindset. 👉𝗔 𝗽𝗼𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗱𝘀𝗲𝘁 𝗜𝗦 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗯𝗹𝗲𝗺-𝘀𝗼𝗹𝘃𝗲𝗿’𝘀 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗱𝘀𝗲𝘁.👈 As Daniel Goleman explained in “Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence” – positive state of mind impacts the neuroplasticity of the 🧠 brain – increasing prefrontal activity that intensifies mental functions such as creative thinking, cognitive flexibility, and even faster processing. How a positive mindset

Mindset impacts the brain. Is YOURS setting you up for success? Read More »

Three telltale signs you are being ghosted at work

👻 Ghosting doesn’t JUST happen on Halloween. AND, it doesn’t JUST happen before you GET the job. Ghosting happens ON the job, too. All.The.Time. How does Ghosting happen on the job? 😖👻Being taken through the annual review process only to find yourself left out of recognition, promotion, merit and even COLA consideration is a form of ghosting your employees. 😖👻Being told you can ‘throw your hat in the ring’ for advancement and not being afforded the opportunity to do so is a form of ghosting your employees. 😖👻Even being taken OFF a project without discussion is a form of ghosting your employees. It needs to stop. 🤨 Employers – knock it off – it’s unprofessional, bush league and it’s costing you money. 🤦‍♀️🤗 Employees –

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I can do what no one else can. And so can you.

No one – not anyone anywhere – can do what I can do. ☝️That is a fact. ‘Who’s your competition?” When I was asked that question recently, my answer was simple and swift – ‘I don’t have any.” Because no one can do what I can do. The converse is also true.Everyone can do what I can do.😕🤪 Because what I do is based on everything I know – from my experience.Personal and professional. Lots of people have the same training, but no one on the planet has the same lived experience and know-how that I do. The same is true for you! What I can do: In a nutshell, I design personal systems for people to overcome what’s keeping them from success.😩Could be solving

I can do what no one else can. And so can you. Read More »

You can do anything – this is why (and how) I know

My house blew up four years ago today. Why am I so happy? Because I’m here, y’all! THAT’S WHY! I EARNED the right to CELEBRATE this day! SO many questions that NO ONE could answer but me. What am I going to do? Can I figure this out? Am I smart enough to handle this? Will I be ok? Will my job be ok?🤕 How do I fix my life and do my job at the same time? 😣 How will I live? WHERE will I live? How will I PAY for everything? When will this be over? What does life even look like after this? I KNOW you can do anything When you’re left with nothing (like not even a spoon) AND you’re paying

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You get to decide the schedule of your life

“Did you move the furniture?” My mom asked this question every time I ‘cleaned’ my room. “Yup!” I’d lie as I bounced down the stairs, off to do something else. This was a pretty common pattern of mine. Rushing through the things I had to do so I could spend more time on the things I wanted to do. Piano practice.Folding laundry.Loading the dishwasher. Pretty common for kids, I think. How we learn No one knows what they don’t know – until they know it. I took lessons for 9 years, and I am to this day an 𝘶𝘯𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘷𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘺 untalented pianist.I know why. It didn’t take long before I was no longer ‘part of the family fold’ (mom gave up dreams of ever having unwrinkled

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Are you lying to yourself? How to find out

We tell ourselves stories to fill gaps in the information we’re missing. Our brains are actually wired for this – to look for patterns, to ‘go from what we know’, etc. The challenge with that is that it often leads us to create narratives, shift beliefs and develop feelings that we then take action on.  Action based on information we made up.And we’ve all done it. What story are you telling yourself? What do they say about assumptions? In business, this can be smart when assumptions are part of project, business development and contingency planning. In our personal lives, assumptive reasoning is not always the smart play. Here’s a super-duper way simple example:  Adam has a paper due next week on the history of his

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You are stronger than you realize – here’s how I know

You are stronger than you even know. How do I know without knowing you? Well, because I know that what doesn’t break you is because of that strength. This one came close though.Not gonna lie. This is a picture of me with my husband in cardiac stepdown a few years ago. It took a lot for him to get there.It was a major life achievement. He’s spent 6 unresponsive days in cardiac ICU and 13 with a machine breathing for him. When he could finally breathe on his own, he graduated to stepdown then spent another month learning how to eat, shower, dress and walk again before he could come home. A heart procedure that was supposed to take a week from surgery to discharge

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